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Червоний - В'язаний різдвяний джемпер

1 009 грн

Код товару: B97-747

Опис продукту

Можна прати у пральній машині 52% перероблений поліестер, 37% акрил, 8% вовна, 3% еластан. Contains recycled polyester certified to the Global Recycled Standard (GRS) which verifies the percentage of recycled material and tracks it from the recycler to the final product. The exact % of certified recycled polyester is shown in the product composition above. See individual on-product labelling for full certification details

Можна прати у пральній машині

52% перероблений поліестер, 37% акрил, 8% вовна, 3% еластан.

Contains recycled polyester certified to the Global Recycled Standard (GRS) which verifies the percentage of recycled material and tracks it from the recycler to the final product. The exact % of certified recycled polyester is shown in the product composition above. See individual on-product labelling for full certification details

Contains recycled polyester certified to the Global Recycled Standard (GRS) which verifies the percentage of recycled material and tracks it from the recycler to the final product. The exact % of certified recycled polyester is shown in the product composition above. See individual on-product labelling for full certification details


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